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2018 April – Spring has Sprung, Making a Stand, Cut and Laid, Bluebells

Spring has Sprung

This is me in the woods today.

As you can see the leaves are beginning to appear on the trees now.  It is feeling a lot more spring-like.  Mum is currently relentlessly cheerful.  Aren’t you full of the joys of spring Saffron?  She’s starting to get on my nerves a bit actually.

She’s doing a lot of stuff for work.  I’ve no idea what it is.  As I may have mentioned before, I wish she’d stop this work thing.  It’s beginning to get in the way of my harmonious life.

Still, I’m trying to cope as best I can.  I can be incredibly patient if I really put my mind to it.   I am merely indulging Mum at the moment but there will come a time when she really needs to actively put me first.

Personally, I am feeling that time is not too far away.


Making a Stand

This is me making a stand – or more accurately I suppose a sit.   This is my daybed and the offspring needs to know who is in charge.

As I may have mentioned, I can be incredibly patient but frankly enough is enough.  The offspring has tried to move me but I am determined.  Plus it’s a nice sunny spot here.

Eventually I gave in and moved – in my own time and on my own terms.

This was coincidentally at exactly the same time as the offspring left the room.

Here I am looking after her because she seemed a bit fed up.  I’m not sure why.



Cut and Laid

This is me in a different bit of the woods over the road.

We’ve not been here before so it is all a bit experimental.

The wood is smaller and is surrounded by fields with livestock.  Mum is not sure I’ll be able to cope.  Translate that into Mum isn’t sure she will be able to cope.   I’ll be fine.

Mum spent ages explaining to me that this tree is an old cut and laid tree (cut and laid over to make a hedge) because trees don’t normally grow horizontally and this is probably a relic of an ancient hedgerow.   The hedge hasn’t been maintained so it has now grown naturally into a tree. Quite a big tree actually.   Fun fact – apparently the earliest record of someone planting a hedgerow in the UK is one made by Ælfric at Kingston Langley in Wiltshire in 940AD.

There are lots of these funny shaped trees at the edge of the wood so she could be right but I wasn’t really paying attention at the time.   I was looking at the sheep.

There are lots of them and they are VERY interesting to me.

Much more interesting than an ancient hedgerow.



This is me in the bluebell woods.

Mum says the bluebell woods round here are amazing – just a carpet of blue when they are out in full.  A complete joy to behold.

I’m more interested in sniffing the things that seem to live in the bluebell woods.  We had a long walk today and I was very definitely all sniffed out at the end of it.

Mum is still on this work thing.  I am wondering what I can do to get her attention.

I expect I’ll figure something out.


OK, I haven’t figured anything out (yet).

Mum has left me for work and I’m looking after the offspring again.

Honestly I don’t know why she bothered to have them.



Saffron’s recommendation this month:

Music: How about some Eric Clapton, an English rock and blues guitarist, widely regarded as one of the most important and influential guitarists of all time.  Outside music a quite a controversial character.

Layla (try the acoustic version for a change)

My Father’s Eyes

Tears in Heaven

Old Love

Bell Bottom Blues




The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, published by Corgi

A brainy thriller and a good read.  Intriguing.

If you don’t fancy this, try one of his other books, Digital Fortress, Angels and Demons or Deception Point. All nicely written.



The Da Vinci code starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tatou

Like the book, the film was considered controversial especially by the Catholic Church, which of itself, may make it worth watching.   Interesting isn’t it when an institution (venerated by many) takes exception to a fictional story about a conspiracy theory….??  :)   Just saying.



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