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2018 March – Berserkers, Nesh, 2 meals for the price of 1, Daisy, Daisy

The Berserker

This is me in the woods.

I have spotted a pack of dogs and this picture was taken just before I went berserk.

Apparently ‘Berserkers’ were unruly Nordic warrior gangs that worshipped Odin and worked for royal and noble courts as bodyguards and as shock troops. They were savage in battle and their animal skin attire apparently contributed to the development of the werewolf legend in Europe.

I think I’d be a pretty good berserker.  People often seem shocked by me anyway.  I reckon I’d also be a decent werewolf if I put my mind to it.

More locally, Mum dropped her phone and I jumped all over it for ages while Mum had no choice but to just hang onto me.   Her phone was covered in mud.

Mum was not especially impressed.

It still works so I’m not sure why there’s a problem really.



It has snowed again.

I have been much calmer today but there weren’t too many people out.  Mum says she expects they are all a bit ‘nesh’ which apparently is an English dialect word meaning unusually susceptible to cold weather.

We’ve been out for a while and to be honest I am feeling a bit nesh myself.


The Wrong Bed

Something has gone wrong with my bed.

I am really uncomfortable and I don’t know why.   I have lots of other beds and I might just move to another one in a moment.

Just as soon as I can work out how to get out of this one.


Random Silliness


Two meals for the price of one

Tis better to have eaten something and thrown it up and eaten it again than never to have eaten it at all.


Daisy, Daisy

The weather this month has been quite mad.  It is hot now, well relatively.

There are a lot of weeds in the lawn but Mum is trying to be insect friendly and leave stuff growing.   I expect it will be a meadow soon.  I’m generally happy with that because I don’t like the lawnmower at all.

Mum says she finds mowing the grass therapeutic and quite satisfying trying to sort of get straight lines in the grass.   ‘Sort of’ is the right phrase in my opinion.  Her idea of a straight line isn’t really.   Mum says it would be a lot easier if I wasn’t leaping all over the place and jumping at the lawnmower and getting tangled in the cable.

She may have a point.

Mind you, I don’t know why she bothers, it all grows again by the next week anyway.


Saffron’s recommendations this week:

Music: Dire Straits – a British rock band (Mum saw them in concert at Wembley in ’85)

Romeo and Juliet

Sultans of Swing

Your Latest Trick (oh yessss a great song)

So Far Away

Telegraph Road (another oh yessss)

Private Investigations



‘Brideshead Revisited’ by Evelyn Waugh, published by Penguin

The sacred and profane memories of Captain Charles Ryder.

Just read it.  You won’t be sorry.



Brideshead Revisited

or simply watch the 2008 film starring Ben Wishaw as Sebastian Flyte



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