2020 January – Muddy Feetsies, SASS, Vets, Mum’s gone again, Krypto, Night Terror
‘Make the most of yourself….for that is all there is of you.’
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Slightly terrifying but thanks Waldo, I shall. I’ve actually made the most of New Year by barking at all the people who are out for a walk.
Does that count?
Muddy feetsies
This is a picture of me after a long walk.
I don’t have muddy feetsies. They were muddy before and Mum forgot to wipe them and now there is mud all over the house. But none on me. Mum is being busy and cleaning up the house.
Which is muddy.
Have I mentioned that?
Whilst everyone else is doing NY resolutions, offspring #2 did the reverse and went through her photos from last year and made a list of all the great stuff that happened. So she could focus on what she wanted to do more of.
Sounds like a plan. I am intending to focus more on chicken and squirrels. Actually probably just chicken.
Yeah, sorted.
Also, offspring #4 has found an app ‘1 second every….’ where you can take a 1 second video each day of your life and it puts them together into a short film – cool.
It would be a long film of me sleeping mostly, I reckon.
Still cutes tho’, because it’s me.
Just saying.
This is a picture of me prepping for interview.
Apparently I am required in the workplaces of the offsprings.
This is the plan. I will be employed by Saffron’s Assistance Security Services or SASS for short.
No one will be brave enough to fire me.
Obviously, I won’t let anyone in.
So no risk whatsoever and……
All security problems solved.
This is a picture of me with my new meds.
I couldn’t jump in the car this morning because my legs weren’t working properly. I might have to defer SASS.
Mum took me to the vet. It was a big, blokey vet who was used to working with police and military dogs. So me making a growly and barky fuss had no effect on him whatsoever.
He didn’t even flinch.
He went for it and said I was only growling because I didn’t like him and not because I was in any pain. He was quite kind but I reckon he wasn’t going to put up with any nonsense either. He gave me 2 injections (I didn’t stand a chance) and some meds.
I was so confused that I actually went up to him after for some attention.
I never do that.
Even he seemed a bit surprised.
The injections worked pretty immediately because I managed to jump into the back of the car after we’d left.
So maybe he was OK after all.
Mum’s gone again
This is a picture of me looking after offspring #4.
Mum has left again for work. Well if she doesn’t care then I won’t either. I’ve heard talk about steak so things are looking up.
Have also heard that offspring #3 has managed to get an entire legal department to resign and leave the firm en masse. That’s quite an achievement for a trainee who is temporarily seconded to the department. She is claiming it’s not her fault – but no smoke without fire eh?
I applaud her style.
No half measures.
Go big or go home.
This could be a picture of me.
This is from Titans and it’s Superman’s cloned dog Krypto (or is it me in my acting debut?). I do all my own stunts. Look it up on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJgC6TX-f5w
Krypto has laser eyes.
So do I.
I will have to keep a low profile now to avoid the papps I guess.
This is me on a day off, being silly.
Cos even superstars have to relax sometimes.
Night Terror
And just to round the month off nicely……
Thanks Saffron.
Saffron’s recommendations this month:
Music: Shall we go all Fine Young Cannibals (FYC) this month? The Raw and the Cooked is a great album to start with. A late 80’s onwards Birmingham band. Some great tracks. Don’t miss out.
Good Thing
She Drives me Crazy
I’m Not the Man I Used to be
Tell Me What
It’s OK (it’s alright)
Ever Fallen in Love
Johnny Come Home
Reading: Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson, originally published by James Monroe 1836. Nature was the first modern essay to recommend the appreciation of the outdoors as an all-encompassing positive force. Emerson’s writings apparently launched the idea of going for a walk as a new way of looking at the world.
As we all know, I like going for a walk too, so good on you Waldo for making it official.
Some other Waldo quotes for your edification:
You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment
The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one
Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.
Films: Ok so it has to be Superman really doesn’t it? Wow, where to start? Superman started as an animated set of short films in 1941 and has had many reincarnations since then. Christopher Reeve and Henry Cavill are probs the best known actors in the non animated films. Mixed reviews for all of the films, even the more recent Justice League ones. Arguably, DC Extended Universe hasn’t yet got to the level that Marvel Universe has…. Still, we like like Henry and Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a decent watch. Maybe give it a chance?
In the news:
The first two known cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) in the United Kingdom, two Chinese nationals staying in York, are confirmed.
Construction begins on Dogger Bank wind farm which will become the world’s largest offshore wind farm when complete
Boris Johnson’s EU withdrawal deal successfully completes its passage through parliament
The United Kingdom leaves the EU beginning an 11-month transition period, during which it remains in the Single Market and Customs Union.
Prince Harry and Meghan announce that they plan to “step back as senior members” of the Royal Family and divide their time between the UK and N America