2019 September – Defeat the Dino, My Life in 30 Objects, Long-suffering
Defeat the Dino
This is a picture of me with my dinosaur.
Mum is off doing conference things so I’ve been left in charge of offspring #4. I am teaching her how to deal with a dinosaur, just in case one appears at the door.
You never know these days.
I reckon my technique would work nicely.
Don’t you?
This is a picture of me after the dinosaur has been defeated.
As you can see, I am still holding it in a headlock, just in case.
You can’t be too careful.
I have a touch of dinosaur dry mouth but it’s a small price to pay.
My Life in 30 Objects
This is a picture of Mum’s life at the moment
The only thing missing is the paint.
Mum’s starting at the top of the house and working her way down, painting every surface on the way. The music is on loud.
There doesn’t seem to be any stopping her now.
She’s put all the upstairs carpet in the skip. Which is a good thing because Mum is incredibly messy when she’s painting. Put it this way, a lot of paint seems to get on her. Some of it even gets on me.
I’m pretty sure that’s not right.
I don’t know much about painting but perhaps she should turn the music down, stop dancing around and concentrate on getting a bit more of it on the walls.
This is a picture of lovely me having a little rest.
I deserve it. I am being incredibly long-suffering.
Mum is still making a mess everywhere. She’s having to move stuff from one room to another to make space, so she can throw even more paint around.
She’s relentless.
Frankly, I’m leaving her to it.
Saffron’s recommendations this month:
Music: The Clash – late 70’s / 80’s English punk rock band with a bit of reggae / ska mixed in and one of the best albums of the decade – ‘London Calling’. Some interesting lyrics in their tracks. Mum reckons this is good music to paint to (explains a lot). Try the album and get a feel for yourself. See below plus some other tracks just for funsy.
London Calling
Rock the Casbah
Should I Stay or Should I Go
Train in Vain
Brand New Cadillac
Death or Glory
Reading: Ok we’re going for it here with The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien and written between 1937-49. Mixed reviews when it was first published. Obviously now in film mode too, however the books are incredible. 3 bulky volumes, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and the Return of the King – you’ll need a long holiday to read these.
Film: Quite obviously The Lord of the Rings……released 2001-2003 and directed by Peter Jackson. Accolades and acclaim from everywhere basically. A great trilogy. If you like epic fantasy then you’ll like these. We now know all about orcs and hobbits and why not?
In the news:
Travel company Thomas Cook collapses after 178 years and triggering the largest ever peacetime repatriation as 150,000 holidaymakers are left stranded
The Supreme Court rules unanimously that the prorogation brought forward by the PM is unlawful, and therefore null and of no effect
MPs return to Parliament after the ending of prorogation. Amid furious scenes in the Commons, Johnson, who described the law seeking to block a no-deal Brexit as “the surrender bill”, said later that “tempers need to come down” in Parliament
World Cup rugby played in Japan for the first time and interrupted by a typhoon. England were on fire but sadly lost to South Africa in the final 32-12