2016 October – Mid Life Crisis, Walkies, Reassuring, Dancing Round the Kitchen
Mid Life Crisis
Mum has been a bit of a handful this month. I think she may be having some sort of mid-life crisis to be honest. She really ought to be concentrating on me instead. She knows perfectly well that I’m frequently in a place of crisis. At times, humans can be so selfish and unreliable.
Mum says she is having a midlife clear-out, not a crisis. I’m not sure I believe her.
She has spent a lot of time in the garage sorting out stuff. There is quite a lot of stuff to sort out. Occasionally I feel it has all got on top of her a bit and I have had to calm her down several times using my distraction technique of barking loudly and insistently at her from the house until she comes back in to see me and gets a cup of tea to relax. Anyway the garage seems to be finished now. It was a bit of a palaver to be honest.
She hasn’t stopped at the garage though – she has shredded stuff, filed stuff, cleared out stuff from the attic, moved loads of furniture around, chucked and charity shopped stuff.
It has been a bit of a manic time and I’ll be glad when it’s over. There’s only so much a dog can take.
Plus she’s changed her car (to accommodate me obviously), bought a swanky new TV (for me obviously) and a freezer (again obviously for me), quite spontaneously and randomly gone off to a concert in London to ‘de-frag’ and changed the broadband contract.
Whatever ‘changing the broadband contract’ is, this last thing was the most stressful of all and involved a lot of very colourful language and a few glasses of wine. I’m not sure that was a brilliantly thought through combination actually but Mum wasn’t listening to anyone this month. Powered by wine, coffee, will power (and let’s face it, a touch of pure stubbornness).
Since she had quite clearly lost the plot, I made sure I took Mum for lots of very, very long walks in nice countryside.
Fresh air and exercise is supposed to be good for you.
Goodness knows what she’d have been like if I hadn’t been there to look after her. I have to say she is more responsibility that I had anticipated when I took her on as my human.
Luckily the weather was quite nice too.
This is a picture of me being calm and reassuring.
I was very nearly a little bit cuddly too.
Needs must.
The duties of a rescue doggo are never ending.
Dancing Round the Kitchen
Fortunately, Mum seems to have made the effort and got over herself.
In fact I’d go so far as to say she is positively cheerful. She was playing music really loudly and dancing round the kitchen – dance like nobody’s watching Saffron :)
Well, it’s just as well nobody was watching, her dancing is just terrible, if you ask me.
Just a few Dancing Round the Kitchen Songs (turn it up really, really loud):
Lake Shore Drive – Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah
Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen (wanna watch something hilarious ? YouTube, David Armand mime / interpretative dance to this song :) )
Come on Eileen – Dexys Midnight Runners
Stayin’ Alive – Bee Gees
Uptown Funk – Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars
Rockin’ Robin – Jackson 5 (Live at the Forum, version)
Happy – Pharrell Williams (Despicable Me 2 hehehe :) )
Crazy in Love – Beyonce