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2016 June – Helping out, Having a Little Rest, Doggy Paddling Pool, Brain Training, Settling In

Helping Out

Here is a video of me helping one of Mum’s offspring with their dissertation.   I think I might be the difference between passing and failing if I’m honest.  Thank you, it’s a pleasure.

2016 June helping

I am still managing  to take Mum out every day for a walk – she needs it and it seems to keep her centred.  Mind you that’s not exactly how she describes it if I’m totally honest because I’m still very jippy around other dogs and people. However hard Mum tries to keep us on our own, there are always mad people who want to come up and say hello.  Mum usually asks them (generally quite nicely) to keep their distance but some people just take no notice.  Off-lead dogs with no recall are a particular problem and if I had a tenner for every owner who said, ‘Oh, they just want to be friends’ then I expect I’d be being driven around in a Maserati by now.

Mum has loads of treats so she can distract me while other people get their act together and try to get their dogs back.  A lot of dogs don’t seem to take any notice of their owners.   I think Mum has decided that it’s their problem if they don’t heed the warnings.  Occasionally I do go a bit crazy which seems to get the message across.

Always glad to help out.


Having a Little Rest

This is a picture of me half way through a very long walk.

It was quite a hot day and I’d had enough so I decided to have a bit of a lie down in the nice cool grass.

Mum just had to wait for me to recover.

Which took a while because I was quite comfy actually.


Doggy Paddling Pool

Mum has also bought me a doggy paddling pool with a specially reinforced  base so my claws can’t tear it.

It’s the best thing ever.

I am waiting for someone (and by someone I mean Mum) to turn the hosepipe on and float the tennis ball around.


Brain Training

I also get to do brain training stuff which is critical for Mum because she needs all the help she can get.

I am staring at her very hard until she gives me a treat.  It works surprisingly often.

Humans are quite easy to train really.


Settling In

I am starting to feel a little bit better about life now.  I am still not keen on being stroked and being cuddled is an absolute no-no.  I wagged my tail for the first time this month which was a major breakthrough apparently and the humans all got terribly excited about that.

I’ve been here for about 9 weeks now and so far things are still going OK.  I still don’t really know if I’ll be staying here though, so I am not investing too much in the humans for now.

I am reserving judgement and keeping myself to myself as much as possible.

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