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2016 July – Hotter than July, Tug o’ War, Comfy Beds, Reliable

Hotter than July

This is a picture of me out and about.

As you can see Mum has abandoned my muzzle because I am always on a long lead and we’re usually on our own anyway.    I’m more of a sniffy dog than a run-about dog, so being on a long lead isn’t an issue for me.

Do you like my harness?

Mum says it is the most expensive harness in the world and it has reflective stitching so Mum can find me in the dark.

On the basis that I couldn’t really be said to fall into the category of a ‘stealth dog’  in any sense whatsoever, this seems slightly excessive to me, but it seems to please Mum.


Tug o’ War

The other good news is I’m allowed to play tug ‘o’ war now.  This is one of my toys.

I have removed most of the stuffing and the squeaker and now we can really get down to business.  I have dodgy hips (not uncommon for Lab x’s apparently) and I need to build up my muscle tone, so this is helping.

I can pull humans off the settee if I get a good grip.

I am really quite strong.


Comfy Beds

I’ve also been given more comfy beds.

I now have a bed in nearly every room.

I expect it’s because I deserve it.



It has been pretty hot this month and I have still been reliable and taken Mum out every day.

She can be a bit of a nuisance to be honest – there are some days when I’d really rather have stayed at home and just dozed in the sun but you know how demanding humans can be if you don’t pay them attention.

I expect she’ll thank me eventually.


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